

 * This example draws a variety of shapes on an otherwise black image.
 * Demonstrates draw/filled rectangles, polygins, cliprects, ellipses, etc.

require './class.ImlibImage.php';
require './class.ImlibColor.php';
require './class.ImlibText.php';
require './class.ImlibCliprect.php';
require './class.ImlibDraw.php';
require './class.ImlibPoly.php';

$im = new ImlibImage();
$outlinecolor = Array(255,0,0,255);
$color = Array(255,127,0,255);

$box = new ImlibDraw();

$poly = new ImlibPoly();

// The cliprect will leave a gap in the middle of this polygon
$poly->set_cliprect(100,50,125,110);    // Draw the top
$poly->set_cliprect(100,190,125,70);    // Draw the bottom

$poly->set_cliprect(0,0,0,0);    // Turns off the clipping rectangle


// This will draw a few pseudo-randomly colored ellipses
$j = 30;
for ($i = 90; $i < 260; $i += 20)
   $j += 20;
   if ($j > 70)
      $j = 25;





 * This example takes a source image and outputs an image with four
 * scaled copies of the image.  The original, and the image flipped
 * using the three flip functions: horizontal, vertical, and diagonal.
 * The images are labeled using the ImlibText class, and a background
 * is filled behind them using a filled rectangle from the ImlibDraw class.

require './class.ImlibImage.php';
require './class.ImlibColor.php';
require './class.ImlibCliprect.php';
require './class.ImlibDraw.php';
require './class.ImlibText.php';

$padding = 20;
$thumbw = 170;
$thumbh = '';    // If this is left blank, the height will be calculated
$bgarray = Array(220,115,115,255);
$textarray = Array(255,255,255,255);
$srcname = './lain-closetheworld.png';

// $mode can be 'horizontal', 'vertical', or 'diagonal'
function flipCreate($obj,$mode)
   $cb = "flip_$mode";
   $new = $obj->create_clone();
   return $new;

$im = new ImlibImage();
$orig = $im->create_scaled($thumbw,$thumbh);
$imw = $orig->get_width();
$imh = $orig->get_height();

// Create the image large enough to fit four scaled copies of $srcname
$dst = new ImlibImage();
$dst->create(2*$imw + 3*$padding, 2*$imh + 5*$padding);

// Load in a font and set the color and image to draw on
$txt = new ImlibText();

// Get a drawing object and set its color and image to draw on
$box = new ImlibDraw();

$orig_alpha = $orig->has_alpha();
$box->fill_rectangle($padding-3,$padding-3, $imw+6,$imh+6);
                        $padding,$padding, $imw,$imh,0,$orig_alpha,0);

$horiz = flipCreate($orig,'horizontal');
$horiz_alpha = $horiz->has_alpha();
$box->fill_rectangle(2*$padding-3+$imw,$padding-3, $imw+6,$imh+6);
                         2*$padding+$imw,$padding, $imw,$imh,0,$horiz_alpha,0);

$vert = flipCreate($orig,'vertical');
$vert_alpha = $vert->has_alpha();
$box->fill_rectangle($padding-3,3*$padding-3+$imh, $imw+6,$imh+6);

// In order to keep things simple, this image will be cropped off if it's
// not square.  This is done to keep things simple.  To show the whole
// diagonally cropped image, the dimensions for $dst would need to be
// calculated from the resulting height of the diagonal version of the image
$diag = flipCreate($orig,'diagonal');
$diag_alpha = $diag->has_alpha();
$box->fill_rectangle(2*$padding-3+$imw,3*$padding-3+$imh, $imw+6,$imh+6);





 * This example is mostly for playing with color ranges (gradients)
 * and alpha channels.

require './package.Imlib.php';

$red = Array(255,35,35,255);
$blue = Array(35,65,255,255);
$text = Array(200,220,255,255);
$shadow = Array(10,10,10,100);

// Create objects
$im = new ImlibImage;
$cr = new ImlibColorRange;
$d = new ImlibDraw;
$t = new ImlibText;

// Set up objects

// Large blue rectangle and gradient
$cr->add_color_array(0, $red);
$cr->add_color_array(0, $blue);

// Text with semitransparent shadow
$t->draw(43,48,'Showing off.');
$t->draw(40,45,'Showing off.');

// Purple semitransparent square

// Green-to-transparent gradient square



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