- information about recently discovered weakness of 1 pass version

pp [2006-07-31 23:54:47]
- information about recently discovered weakness of 1 pass version

git-svn-id: https://siedziba.pl:790/svn/repos/dbxrecover@239 455248ca-bdda-0310-9134-f4ebb693071a
diff --git a/README b/README
index 8757601..2342db6 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -20,8 +20,11 @@ It is caused by a fact, that it is impossible, in general, to detect the first
 fragment of a message. The last fragment is easy to find, as it has 0 as an id
 of the next fragment. The first fragment, on the other hand, is not marked in
 any way. Currently the script treats a fragment as first if it starts with one
-of common headers such as "From:" or "Received:". The probability of writing
-incomplete message is low though, due to the following factors:
+of common headers such as "From:" or "Received:" (update: some mail systems and
+antivirus/antispam solutions add their non standard headers at the top of the
+message, thus making this test not effective; better solution is needed). The
+probability of writing incomplete message is low though, due to the following

 - the message must contain one or more of the header strings in its body
 - the string must be located at the start of a fragment, which means a
diff --git a/dbxrecover-1p b/dbxrecover-1p
index 0ed226c..bd40cd2 100755
--- a/dbxrecover-1p
+++ b/dbxrecover-1p
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ use warnings;
     ($next, $data) = $self->combine($idhash, $nexthash, $next, $data, 1);
     ($id, $data) = $self->combine($nexthash, $idhash, $id, $data, 0);

-    # the test for first chunk is very simple and naive, but it works well enough
+    # TODO: better test for first chunk. Maybe a grace period to keep seemingly complete messages, in case of false positives.
     $self->{stats}->{chainscompl}++,return($data->join()) if (($next == 0) && ($data->first() =~ /^(From|From:|Return-Path:|Received:) /));
     $idhash->{$id} = {} if (!defined($idhash->{$id}));
     $nexthash->{$next} = {} if (!defined($nexthash->{$next}));