- import version 0.9.1 from upstream
- import version 0.9.1 from upstream
2011-08-13 Ibán Cereijo <ibancg@gmail.com>
* Fixed bug #34007 (#637610 in debian).
2011-03-11 Ibán Cereijo <ibancg@gmail.com>
* Fixed bug #33046 (#622038 in debian).
* Added 48K sample rate to OSS and ALSA.
2011-02-21 Ibán Cereijo <ibancg@gmail.com>
* Fixed bug #31532.
* Added configuration file importation/exportation options from the GUI.
* Improved messages to the user.
* Added tooltips.
* Applied a blur effect over the gauge background image.
* Released Lingot 0.9.0
2010-10-20 Ibán Cereijo <ibancg@gmail.com>
* Added sync between computation and read threads over the temporal buffer.
* The deviation value didn't work in version 0.8.2b2.
* Released Lingot 0.8.2b3.
2010-10-18 Ibán Cereijo <ibancg@gmail.com>
* Fixed bug #31369
* Audio API is now transparent, providing the read thread.
* Improved error messages from audio device issues.
* Released Lingot 0.8.2b2
2010-10-12 Ibán Cereijo <ibancg@gmail.com>
* Added different scales support.
+ Scale edition in a cell table.
+ Importation of Scala .scl files (http://www.huygens-fokker.org/scala/)
+ The gauge adapts its range to the scale.
+ The deviation control has been moved to the scale tab.
* The sample rate control has been changed to a GtkComboBoxEntry.
* When the sample rate is not available, the user is notified.
* Corrected some minor errors opening audio devices.
* Improved OSS error messages.
* Minor changes in the capture tab in the config dialog.
* lingot-error now supports multiple messages in the queue.
* Added some macros to simulate try/catch. Used in audio handling.
* The error dispatcher runs now under its own timer.
* Released Lingot 0.8.2b1
2010-03-17 Ibán Cereijo <ibancg@gmail.com>
* Released Lingot 0.8.1
2010-03-14 Ibán Cereijo <ibancg@gmail.com>
* Fixed a SIGSEGV in the JACK thread management (bug #29090).
* Fixed core hang up bug #29091 (#562425 in debian).
* Fixed https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=517970#c9
* Added a graphic controller for the MIN_FREQUENCY parameter.
2010-02-26 Ibán Cereijo <ibancg@gmail.com>
* Released Lingot 0.8.0
2010-02-23 Ibán Cereijo <ibancg@gmail.com>
* Added ALSA support
* Added translations: zh_CN, it
* Changed default sample rate to 44100 Hz
2008-06-24 Ibán Cereijo <ibancg@gmail.com>
* Added JACK support
* Fixed memory leak in GUI
* Added translations: cs, sv, de, pt_BR
* Changed default sample rate to 11025 Hz instead of 8 KHz
2007-12-26 Jairo Chapela-Martínez <jairochapela@gmail.com>
* Fixed some strange issues in the configuration scripts
2008-12-23 Ibán Cereijo <ibancg@gmail.com>
* Fixed SIGSEGV bug #21850 (#425867 in debian).
* Released Lingot 0.7.6
2008-12-18 Ibán Cereijo <ibancg@gmail.com>
* Released Lingot 0.7.5
2007-08-30 Ibán Cereijo <ibancg@gmail.com>
* Added frequency legend, noise threshold and scroll bar to spectrum area
* Reorganized Menu Items
* Added a "View" menu item
* Added translations: gl
2007-08-26 Ibán Cereijo <ibancg@gmail.com>
* Code refactoring: migration to C.
* Fixed exit SIGSEGV bug.
* Fixed extra thread bug.
2007-08-23 Ibán Cereijo <ibancg@gmail.com>
* Changes in automake proccess.
* fixed charset problems in spanish translation
* Updated translations: es
* Renamed src/tuner.cc to src/lingot.cc
* Added resource src/lingot-i18n.h
* Changed ChangeLog and NEWS format
* Released Lingot 0.7.4